Wednesday, 25 February 2009

The Film Schedule

28 March 2009


The films in the retrospective are documentaries of actual events

11:00am Democratic Space (FREE. click here to get tickets)
No Damn Right
by Anna Har

Pilihanraya Umum Ke-12 (The 12th General Elections)
By Abror Rivai

12:00noon Activism and the British Connection
Penusah Tana (The Forgotten Struggle)
by Hilary Chiew, Chi Too

Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka (Ten Years Before Independence)
By Fahmi Reza

1:45pm Minority Groups and the Authorities
Rainy Days
by Rajan Paramesran

The Invisible Children
by Hariati Azizan

Kopi-O Khau Kurang Manis (Strong Black Coffee, not too sweet)
by Andrew Sia

3:45pm Prescribed Development
Binatang Pun Perlu Tanah (Even animals need land)
by Anna Har

Twelve 11
by Claudia Theophilus,

Alice lives here
by ReelPower

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